Customer service in a digital world

As commerce has moved online, customer service has had to evolve. Some of the best businesses used to stand out with their attention to detail, personal touch, and ties with people in the community. With the increasing shift to online business models, customer service has shifted to live chat, social…

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Capital Gains Tax - Rules for transfer of assets between spouses

Capital Gains Tax – Rules for transfer of assets between spouses

Although married couples and civil partners are assessed individually for capital gains tax purposes and each has their own annual exempt amount, a special rule allows them to transfer assets between them at a value that gives rise to neither a loss nor again. This can be very useful from…

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New furnished holiday lets – Applying the test

All business must start at some point, and a furnished holiday lets (FHLs) business is no exception. Unlike other rental properties, furnished holiday lettings enjoy special tax rules. As a result, they are able to benefit from capital gains tax reliefs for traders and claim capital allowances for furniture, fixtures,…

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Gifting property to the children

Gifting property to the children

No one likes the idea of the taxman taking a chunk of their estate when they die, particularly if it will be necessary to sell a much-loved property to pay the inheritance (IHT) bill. The introduction of the residence nil rate band (RNRB -set at £175,000) means that a couple…

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Tax consequences of ‘illegal’ dividends

Tax consequences of ‘illegal’ dividends

Dividends can only be declared out of a company’s available undistributed profits, and if the payments are to be legal then the correct administrative procedures need to be followed. If a director sanctions illegal dividend payments, there can be significant tax implications for both the individual concerned and the company…

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Obtain relief for pre-letting expenses

Obtain relief for pre-letting expenses

When starting a new property rental period there will usually be a preparatory phase during which expenses will be incurred. To what extent is relief available for expenses incurred before the property is let? Start of the property rental business A property rental business usually starts when the letting first…

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